I send out an occasional email update of the schedule -- if you want me to include you, please write to me and let me know, or add your name via the news subscription page. Most recent messages at the top... older messages here.
11-15-15 --
I've been trying some new work, using a jeweler's saw to pierce silver sheet to create pendants and earrings, with some success. See the "what's new" page on my site for details.
The trip out to Spokane for the World Science Fiction Convention (Sasquan) was a lot of fun, but it was good to get home. I was sad to miss a few conventions after that, but did manage to make it to Con*Stellation in Huntsville, AL, and to the IGKT meeting in Columbus, OH. I only have one solid date for the rest of this year:
November 27-29 -- Chessiecon, in Baltimore, MD
I don't have any workshops planned in the near term, but would welcome suggestions from anyone who's interested. Remember, if you have five friends who want to make something, and you host the workshop, your own fee drops to zero! I'll teach anything from a one-on-one session up to a maximum of nine students. See the contact page.
08-16-15 --
One of my students pointed out, correctly, that I haven't sent any updates out in a long while. What with health issues and life complications, I've been letting a lot of things slide, sorry.
I'm currently on the road, in Spokane for the World Science Fiction Convention, (Sasquan), where I'll be in the art show and participating in the Artists' Alley. I should be home again by the beginning of September. Tentative schedule, some definite, some not:
- September 25-27 -- FenCon in Dallas/Ft Worth (pending decision)
- October 9-11 -- Necronomicon in Tampa, FL
- October 16-18 -- Con*Stellation in Huntsville, AL
- October 30 - November 1 -- IGKT meeting in Columbus, OH
The only really sure bet on the list is the meeting of the International Guild of Knot Tyers... I've been missing meetings for a while and need to make up for it. I hope to make all the others as well. I don't have any current workshop plans, but hope to change that.
To get on my workshop list, you can either email me directly, or go to the signup page and fill in a form.
10-23-14 --
Some changes. The workshops in Chicago will not be taking place. I may not even make it to WindyCon, but that is still up in the air. Some plans are on hold for now, due to a combination of various health-related events for me and members of my family. My apologies to anyone who may be inconvenienced, but I do hope to be there again sometime.
- November 14-16 -- WindyCon in Lombard, IL (pending decision)
- November 21-23 -- PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ
- November 28-30 -- Chessiecon in Baltimore, MD
There will be more news soon, I'll try to get timely updates out so as to help others with their plans.
To get on my workshop list, you can either email me directly, or go to the signup page and fill in a form.
09-18-14 --
Some personal stuff has come up, affecting future plans. I will be beginning physical therapy to deal with a debilitating spinal condition that results in partial loss of sensation, strength, and dexterity in my right hand and arm. I can still work, with some difficulty, but I'm hoping for considerably more than that. In the meantime, the trip to Canada and to Dallas for FenCon are off the table, regrettably. The therapy should be completed in time for me to head for Chicago to teach workshops and resume my convention tour planned for that month.
The plans for a Kickstarter campaign for a new instructional video are proceeding. I am keeping an updated set of notes for my pitch on my website, and if you'd like to read it and offer constructive criticism, please feel free to send me an email and I'll give you the link.
Anyway, the important stuff is my travel schedule once I get going again. Here it is:
You'll notice the addition of Chessiecon... apparently I signed up for it a while back and managed to lose my notes, but they're on the list now and I'm looking forward to being there. Art show, of course, and maybe some other activities, we'll see.
To get on my workshop list, you can either email me directly, or go to the signup page and fill in a form.
09-01-14 --
I am seriously considering beginning a Kickstarter campaign to enable me to produce a new instructional video, probably to be released on DVD, possibly as a download. The lessons I'm likely to include on "Knotted Wire Jewelry Volume II -- Advanced Techniques" are:
1) Seven-lead Turk's-head ring
2) Twisted wire, its creation, and the care that must be taken in its use
3) Two-dimensional knot with internal complexities necessitating interrupted paths.
Please feel free to comment and/or request particular topics. I would also welcome advice on how to actually start and run such a campaign, it being completely outside of my field of expertise.
Here's the schedule:
Both the Dallas and the Ontario stops are becoming very tentative, due to some health issues. I'm hoping to resolve, or at least stabilize, them before the trip to Chicago for the Blue Buddha workshops, the weekend before WindyCon.
To get on my workshop list, you can either email me directly, or go to the signup page and fill in a form.
07-19-14 --
Not many updates lately, sorry. It's been am interesting few months, though. I'm getting ready to start a trip that will keep me on the road for the next few weeks. Here's the current plan:
- July 22-27 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- August 1-3 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL (mini-workshops for convention members)
- August 16-17 -- Workshops, in Chicago, IL (Blue Buddha Boutique)
- August 22-24 -- Sugar Hill Contra Weekend, in Bloomington, IN
Please note that the workshops in Chicago are being scheduled by Blue Buddha Boutique, and they are handling registrations and basic fees. I will have tools and materials with me in addition to the requirements of the sessions, and we can talk about those at the time, but you need to register with them. Use the link above, or search for them in any search engine and click the "classes" link.
There's a long-ish gap, above, wherein I may travel around the midwest a bit, or go dancing, or both. I was hoping to attend a Wait Wait Don't Tell Me taping while in Chicago, but, just my luck, they're taking August off. Anyone interested in meeting me (workshops or whatever) should contact me. Last-minute plans for workshops within a day or so of Chicago will be taken on as they come up, and notice left here or in a news note.
Later on in the year, I'll be traveling around again, back to Chicago as well as other places. Here's what that looks like:
To get on my workshop list, you can either email me directly, or go to the signup page and fill in a form.
01-16-14 --
I'm getting ready for Arisia, in Boston (two hours east of here...) and planning more activities for the year ahead
Hope to make it to all of these:
- January 17-20 -- Arisia in Boston, MA
- February 7-9 -- Bayou Bedlam in Houston TX
- February 10 -- Workshops in Houston TX
- March 21-23 MidSouthCon in Memphis, TN
- April 25-27 -- Ravencon, in Richmond, VA
- July 22-27 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO (maybe)
- August 1-3 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
It's nice to have some workshops to teach. First one of the year, in Houston in February. I'm looking forward to MidSouthCon, it's always a pleasure to be there; RavenCon in Richmond, VA may be one stop in a longer trip, we'll see. I'm hoping there will also be dances out of town, as I travel from place to place. It would be great if I get some folks into workshops, too.
There is a good chance that I'll make it at least partway across the country in July and August (KFest and MuseCon), but I won't make it out to the west coast unless I can get some serious workshops lined up. More on that as I hear back from potential hosts and students. Kinda hoping to leave in late June and go to the west coast, then work my way back.
To get on my workshop list, you can either email me directly, or go to the signup page and fill in a form.
01-03-14 --
My plans for November turned out badly, a complete debacle. Part of the way to Chicago, I came down with the flu (H1N1) and I had to stop for several days before I could even turn around and head home. Hope to make it again next year, though!
So, moving on:
This year is starting out well, there will be a trip to Boston for Arisia, maybe a bit of traveling around in February, definitely MidSouthCon in March, and RavenCon in April. I'm hoping there will also be dances out of town, as I travel from place to place. It would be great if I get some folks into workshops, too.
To get on my workshop list, you can either email me directly, or go to the signup page and fill in a form.
9-21-13 --
Plans for upcoming travel:
First, apologies to anyone who was looking forward to seeing me in California after Labor Day. I had an unfortunate encounter with some bacteria in San Antonio and decided the rest areas were closer together heading home to Florida than they are crossing the deserts heading west. I'll make it out there next year, though
I've been asked to teach workshops at Blue Buddha's in Chicago, the weekend after WindyCon, so that's added to the schedule now.
- November 8-10 -- WindyCon in Chicago, IL
- November 16-17 -- Workshops at Blue Buddha, Chicago, IL
Next year is starting out quite busy, there will be a trip to Boston for Arisia, maybe a bit of traveling around in February, and definitely RavenCon in April. I'm hoping there will also be dances out of town, as I travel from place to place.
To get on my workshop list, you can either email me directly, or go to the signup page and fill in a form. The Blue Buddha workshop signups will be handled exclusively by their people, customercare@bluebuddhaboutique.com
8-15-13 --
Plans for upcoming travel:
- August 28 -- Workshops in San Antonio, TX
- August 29 - September 2 -- WorldCon 71, in San Antonio, TX
- September 6-8 -- Tall Ships Festival, Dana Point, CA
This trip's beginning was delayed by an unavoidable appointment back home, which is why the workshops in San Antonio got delayed until the 28th. If I do workshops in SoCal they'll be during or just after the Tall Ships Festival, possibly that Sunday or early in the following week, depending on how many students are interested.
The next trip will involve two back-to-back conventions, in Dallas, TX and in Huntsville, AL. Any workshops will have to be sandwiched into the gaps, either just before or just after the conventions, or possibly one-on-one sessions that don't conflict with the convention activities. (This works, I've done it before...)
I've been asked to teach workshops at Blue Buddha's in Chicago, the weekend after WindyCon, so that's added to the schedule now.
- November 8-10 -- WindyCon in Chicago, IL
- November 16-17 -- Workshops at Blue Buddha, Chicago, IL
To get on my workshop list, you can either email me directly, or go to the signup page and fill in a form. The Blue Buddha workshop signups will be handled exclusively by their people, customercare@bluebuddhaboutique.com
6-19-13 --
Plans for upcoming travel:
- July 23-28 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO (maybe)
- August 24-25 -- Workshops in San Antonio, TX
- August 29 - September 2 -- WorldCon 71, in San Antonio, TX
- September 6-8 -- Tall Ships Festival, Dana Point, CA
- September 14/15 -- Workshops in Southern California
- October 4-6 -- FenCon in Dallas TX
- October 11-13 -- Con*Stellation in Huntsville, AL
- October 18-20 -- Necronomicon in Tampa, FL
- November 8-10 -- WindyCon in Chicago, IL
The schedule has changed around a bit, so I can spend a little more time after WorldCon out in SoCal, to attend a meeting of the International Guild of Knot Tyers and make it to the Tall Ships Festival out there. I want to stay for at least a week and teach some workshops before heading back. With some luck, I should be able to schedule more workshops along my return path.
A few more conventions for later in the year, but so far there aren't any workshops along the way for them. Looks like a pretty tight schedule between Dallas and Tampa, so the best bet would be evening sessions (for folks who work during the day) to be held within convenient reach of my travel route.
Reminder: I've raised some prices for the workshops, and reduced the maximum number of students I accept in any given session. The maximum class size is now nine, because I've found it hard to give every student the attention they deserve when the group is larger than that.
4-29-13 --
Plans for upcoming travel:
- May 24-26 -- Oasis in Orlando, FL
- July 23-28 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO (maybe)
- August 24-25 -- Workshops in San Antonio, TX
- August 29 - September 2 -- WorldCon 71, in San Antonio, TX
I've been invited to accompany a shutterbug friend on a trip through the Australian outback, but unless I can offset that with a lot of teaching gigs I won't be able to afford it. If I do go, I'd love to meet up with knot tyers and jewelers along the way.
I haven't made it out to the west coast in a while, and it seems to me that the period between KFest in mid July and WorldCon over Labor Day weekend would be an ideal time to get out there, if there's any interest in workshops during that time. Right now there is some doubt about the KC stop, so I might only be able to go to San Antonio... but that would still let me stop along the way there, of course.
There are more conventions I'd like to attend, but I haven't yet decided on the ones after Labor Day.
Remember: I've raised some prices for the workshops, and reduced the maximum number of students I accept in any given session. The maximum class size is now nine, because I've found it hard to give every student the attention they deserve when the group is larger than that.
3-08-13 --
Some minor tweaks in the current schedule:
- March 22-24 -- MidSouthCon in Memphis, TN
- April 5-7 -- Ravencon, in Richmond, VA
- April 9-16 -- Workshops in Maryland (various)
- May 24-26 -- Oasis in Orlando, FL
- July 23-28 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- August 24-25 -- Workshops in San Antonio, TX
- August 29 - September 2 -- WorldCon 71, in San Antonio, TX
I'd love to begin inserting more workshops in the schedule. There are openings in the calendar, but I seem to be very bad at filling them with students.
I haven't made it out to the west coast in a while, and it seems to me that the period between KFest in mid July and WorldCon over Labor Day weekend would be an ideal time to get out there, if there's any interest in workshops during that time.
There are more conventions I'd like to attend, of course, but I haven't yet decided on the ones after Labor Day.
Reminder: I've raised some prices for the workshops, and reduced the maximum number of students I accept in any given session. The cost increases are long overdue, I just hate bumping prices up and have resisted the necessity for too long. The maximum class size is now nine, because I've found it hard to give every student the attention they deserve when the group is larger than that.
2-18-13 --
Time to get serious about my upcoming schedule. I'd appreciate suggestions for locations.
Current schedule:
- March 22-24 -- MidSouthCon in Memphis, TN
- March 30-31 -- Workshops under consideration.
- April 5-7 -- Ravencon, in Richmond, VA
- April 8-9 -- Workshops in Richmond, VA
- April 13-14 -- Workshops in Baltimore, MD
- May 24-26 -- Oasis in Orlando, FL
- July 23-28 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- August 24-25 -- Workshops in San Antonio, TX
- August 29 - September 2 -- WorldCon 71, in San Antonio, TX
I'd love to begin inserting more workshops in the schedule. There are openings in the calendar, but I seem to be very bad at filling them with students.
I haven't made it out to the west coast in a while, and it seems to me that the period between KFest in mid July and WorldCon over Labor Day weekend would be an ideal time to get out there, if there's any interest in workshops during that time.
There are more conventions I'd like to attend, of course, but I haven't yet decided on the ones after Labor Day.
Please note that I've raised some prices for the workshops, and reduced the maximum number of students I accept in any given session. The cost increases are long overdue, I just hate bumping prices up and have resisted the necessity for too long. The maximum class size is now nine, because I've found it hard to give every student the attention they deserve when the group is larger than that.
12-17-12 --
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season.
Here's a preliminary schedule for next year:
- January 18-21 -- Arisia in Boston, MA.
- March 22-24 -- MidSouthCon in Memphis, TN
- April 5-7 -- Ravencon, in Richmond, VA
- May 24-26 -- Oasis in Orlando, FL
- July 23-28 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- August 29 - September 2 -- WorldCon 71, in San Antonio, TX
I'd love to begin inserting workshops in the schedule soon, but right now there are none set up to tell you about. There are openings in the calendar, but I seem to be very bad at filling them with students.
I haven't made it out to the west coast in a while, and it seems to me that the period between KFest in mid July and WorldCon over Labor Day weekend would be an idea time to get out there, if there's any interest in workshops during that time.
There are more conventions I'd like to attend, of course, but I haven't yet decided on the ones after Labor Day.
Please note that I've raised some prices for the workshops, and reduced the maximum number of students I accept in any given session. The cost increases are long overdue, I just hate bumping prices up and have resisted the necessity for too long. The maximum class size is now nine, because I've found it hard to give every student the attention they deserve when the group is larger than that.
09-13-12 --
Home from my Summer Tour in the Midwest...
Here's the schedule for the rest of the year:
There may be some workshop stops in the Northeast between the IGKT meeting and Philcon. I have had some comments that my forms haven't been working consistently on my website. If you've sent me any requests for workshops and not received a reply, follow up with a regular email directly to me, please!
Next year will be very busy, I think. In January I will be returning to Arisia (in Boston... in January... why? Good question!) There's a dance cruise in early February, with one of my teachers and a bunch of swing dancing friends. Then there will be MidSouthCon in March, RavenCon in April, various possibilities in May and June. Since I'm attending WorldCon in San Antonio (TX) over Labor Day weekend, I'm planning another long trip between mid-July and early September. This time it may be possible to make it all the way out to the west coast for workshops, and I'm looking forward to that.
08-01-12 --
I'm in Chicago for a while, working on some projects and waiting for a convention. Some plans haven't worked out, giving me some free time, and this isn't the worst place for it... :)
Here's the schedule for the rest of the year, provisionally:
- August 3-5 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- Workshops in Cleveland, OH -- Aug 17/18
- Dance weekend in Bloomington, IN -- Aug 24/26
- August 30 - Sep 3 -- (WorldCon), in Chicago, IL
- Workshops in Indianapolis, IN -- Sept 8/9 (maybe?)
- Workshops in Ft Myers, FL -- Sept 15/16
- October 12-14 -- Con*Stelation XXXI in Huntsville, AL
- October 26-28 -- Necronomicon 2012, in St. Petersburg, FL
- November 9-11 -- Windycon in Chicago, IL (conflict!)
- November 9-11 -- Philcon in Philadelphia, PA (conflict!)
I haven't heard from anyone interested in the Indianapolis workshops after Labor Day, but I have had some comments that my forms haven't been working consistently on my website. If you've sent me any requests for workshops and not received a reply, follow up with a regular email directly to me, please!
The schedule has some flexibility, and I would love to insert more workshops in the available intervals.
06-20-12 --
I will be traveling from Florida to Kansas City, MO, to attend the first of several conventions this summer. In response to a request from someone in Little Rock, AR, I have determined that the weekend of July 14/15 would be a fine opportunity to stop there and teach workshops.
Right now I only have a few students, and could easily accommodate the workshops in my motel room, but as more folks sign up it would be far better to have a venue with some space. It isn't necessary to have a jewelry studio, since my techniques are very portable and adaptable, so anywhere with enough room to let the students move freely without bumping into one another is fine. Garage, large living room or kitchen, an open porch if the weather is clement, etc.
This is going to be a longer trip than usual -- I'll be going up to Chicago from Kansas City, and will spend at least a month wandering around the midwest, teaching workshops and attending conventions.
Here's the schedule for the rest of the year, provisionally:
- July 14/15 -- Workshops in Little Rock, AR
- July 17-22 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- August 3-5 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- Workshops in upstate New York -- Aug 11/12
- Workshops in Cleveland, OH -- Aug 17/18
- Workshops in Minneapolis, MN -- Aug 25/26
- August 30 - Sep 3 -- (WorldCon), in Chicago, IL
- Workshops in Indianapolis, IN -- Sept 8/9
- Workshops in Ft Myers, FL -- Sept 15/16
- October 12-14 -- Con*Stelation XXXI in Huntsville, AL
- October 26-28 -- Necronomicon 2012, in St. Petersburg, FL
- November 9-11 -- Windycon in Chicago, IL (conflict!)
- November 9-11 -- Philcon in Philadelphia, PA (conflict!)
The schedule has some flexibility, and I would love to insert more workshops in the available intervals.
06-06-12 --
I will be traveling from Florida to Kansas City, MO, to attend the first of several conventions this summer. In response to a request from someone in Little Rock, AR, I have determined that the weekend of July 14/15 would be a fine opportunity to stop there and teach workshops.
Right now I only have a few students, and could easily accommodate the workshops in my motel room, but as more folks sign up it would be far better to have a venue with some space. It isn't necessary to have a jewelry studio, since my techniques are very portable and adaptable, so anywhere with enough room to let the students move freely without bumping into one another is fine. Garage, large living room or kitchen, an open porch if the weather is clement, etc.
See elsewhere on this site for signup details and scheduling.
04-27-12 --
The roster is filled for the workshops in Toledo, OH, but there are still openings for the workshops in Columbus, OH, the Monday and Tuesday after that. The location is the Gahanna Bead Studio.
2012 Schedule:
- Workshops in Toledo, OH -- May 5-6 (full)
- Workshops in Columbus, OH -- May 7-8 (several openings)
- Oasis SF Con -- May 25-27, Orlando, FL
- July 24-29 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- August 3-5 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- Workshops in Minneapolis -- Aug ??
- August 30 - Sep 3 -- (WorldCon), in Chicago, IL
Note that I'll be in the Midwest for several weeks, since the two conventions in Chicago are the first and last weekends in August, and I'll have time to do workshops anywhere within a few days of there. Feel free to make suggestions.
This is the first year since I began attending that WindyCon and PhilCon where both are scheduled for the same weekend, and I'm torn -- both cons are wonderful, and I love the people there, but I can only attend one of them.
The above list is not necessarily complete.
04-02-12 --
At RavenCon in Richmond, VA, I'll be teaching three sessions, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Convention membership is required, and the workshops will be abbreviated versions, just some small projects and just a few students, but with an audience, I think.
The week and weekend after that I will be staying just south of Washington DC, and will be available for workshops and/or demonstrations up until April 22nd. I'm hoping that there will be enough people for workshops that weekend.
Rumor has it that I may make it to Boston, or perhaps New Bedford, to teach more workshops. That remains to be seen.
The roster is filled for the workshops in Toledo, OH, but I have an offer to teach more workshops in Columbus, OH, the Monday and Tuesday after
2012 Schedule:
- April 13-15 -- RavenCon in Richmond, VA
- Workshops in Maryland (Near DC) -- April 21-22 (In planning)
- Workshops in Boston, MA -- April 28-29 (In planning)
- Workshops in Toledo, OH -- May 5-6
- Workshops in Columbus, OH -- May 7-8
- July 24-29 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- August 3-5 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- Workshops in Minneapolis -- Aug ??
- August 30 - Sep 3 -- (WorldCon), in Chicago, IL
Note that I'll be in the Midwest for several weeks, since the two conventions in Chicago are the first and last weekends in August, and I'll have time to do workshops anywhere within a few days of there.
This just takes me up to September. There are definitely further plans to be made, and I would like to do as many workshops along the way as I can find the time for. Please send me suggestions and requests, I'll do what I can.
02-28-12 --
Just recently I've been adding a few videos on knots and jewelry to my Youtube channel. Here are a couple of them that might be of interest to my students:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40aqzrZ6Fbo Making headpins with closed loops.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bORG7liBL58 Twisting three strands of wire together.
I'll be attending RavenCon in Richmond, VA, and will spend a little time between there and Toledo, OH, traveling through the mid-Atlantic states on visits and doing some workshops. I could go as far north as Boston again, so there are possible workshops around the DC area, and visits to other locations up and down the I-95 corridor and through Pennsylvania and Ohio. I don't have a plan for the trip back from Ohio, so I'm open to suggestion if anyone would like workshops during May, between the Great Lakes region and Florida.
2012 Schedule:
- March 23-25 -- MidSouthCon in Memphis, TN
- April 13-15 -- RavenCon in Richmond, VA
- Workshops in Maryland (Near DC) -- April 21-22 (In planning)
- Workshops in Boston, MA -- April 28-29 (In planning)
- Workshops in Toledo, OH -- May 5-6
- July 24-29 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- August 3-5 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- Workshops in Minneapolis -- Aug ??
- August 30 - Sep 3 -- (WorldCon), in Chicago, IL
Note that I'll be in the Midwest for several weeks, since the two conventions in Chicago are the first and last weekends in August, and I'll have time to do workshops anywhere within a few days of there.
This just takes me up to September. There are definitely further plans to be made, and I would like to do as many workshops along the way as I can find the time for. Please send me suggestions and requests, I'll do what I can.
01-19-12 --
I've been invited to attend RavenCon in Richmond, VA, and to teach workshops in Toledo, OH, so I'm going to make a swing through the northeastern states to take care of those stops. This puts me in a position to teach in Boston again, so I'm hoping to manage that and a few other stops as well, so there are possible workshops around the DC area, and visits to other locations. I don't have a plan for the trip back from Ohio, so I'm open to suggestion if anyone would like workshops during May, between the Great Lakes region and Florida.
2012 Schedule:
- March 23-25 -- MidSouthCon in Memphis, TN
- April 13-15 -- RavenCon in Richmond, VA
- Workshops in Maryland (Near DC) -- April 21-22 (In planning)
- Workshops in Boston, MA -- April 28-29 (In planning)
- Workshops in Toledo, OH -- May 5-6
- July 24-29 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- August 3-5 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- Workshops in Minneapolis -- Aug ??
- August 30 - Sep 3 -- (WorldCon), in Chicago, IL
This just takes me up to September. There are definitely further plans to be made, and I would like to do as many workshops along the way as I can find the time for. Please send me suggestions and requests, I'll do what I can.
01-12-12 --
For those who have wondered about my abrupt cancellation of travel plans for the first quarter of '12, a bit of information. I've been experiencing severe pain in my arms, which has now been (at least as far as I know at this point) traced to degenerative arthritis in the cervical vertebrae; i.e., it's technically a pain in the neck... nothing to be done, other than alleviate the pain and carry on, so that's what I'll do.
This makes it possible for me to make some plans. I'm still not going anywhere for the next couple of months, but I'll resume traveling in March.
Tentative Early 2012 Schedule:
I'll be adding some more, since I have still some solid commitments for later in the year, returning to most of the SF conventions that I have frequented in the past, and (I hope) doing workshops wherever I end up along the way.
Much thanks to those who have expressed concern and sent their good wishes.
11-22-11 --
Due to some health and financial issues that have come up, I'm going to have to cancel any long trips for at least the first quarter of 2012. This makes me very sad, and I will miss the folks that I would have been seeing at the conventions and workshops that were, or could have been, scheduled for that period of time. I'll let folks know if things change.
I will have to decide whether to attend the few conventions that are close enough to reach within a day or so on a piecemeal basis, and I'll entertain requests for workshops in the Southeastern US, starting in March. I think I'll be able to conduct workshops in Florida without any problems, should anyone be interested.
I hope to be able to continue filling online orders for DVDs, tools, and custom jewelry for the foreseeable future.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
Fall Schedule:
- October 21-23 -- Necronomicon in St. Petersburg, FL
- November 11-13 -- WindyCon in Lombard, IL
- November 18-20 -- PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ
I'll be happy to adjust my schedule to spend a little time along the way, showing or teaching, as long as I get to the conventions on time.
Due to the frequency of requests to see me demonstrate my work, versus the relative rarity of filled workshop rosters, I'm considering offering demonstrations to small groups, between ten and twenty individuals. For a small fee, everyone gets to look and touch and ask all the questions they like, while I make a fine silver ring or a fine silver bracelet, from beginning to end. The completed jewelry will be a door prize for which the attendees will draw lots. In the case of a silver ring not being the right size for the winner, I'm sure that an exchange could be made, since I generally have a good range of sizes in my prototype collection. If you're interested, call or write for details.
I'm looking to set up workshops along I-10, between Florida and California, in February. I'm hoping to make a trip out to Tucson for the gem shows there, and to continue out to San Diego for workshops at Whaley Studios, as shown below. The more workshops (or demos) I can line up, the more likely I'll be able to afford to make the trip.
Tentative Early 2012 Schedule:
- January 1-8 -- Swing Dance Cruise
- January 13-16 -- Arisia in Boston, MA
- January 21 -- Workshops?
- January 27-29 -- Snowball in St. Petersburg, FL
- Early February -- Workshops along the way as I travel west on I-10
- February 18-19 -- Workshops in San Diego, CA, (Whaley Studios)
- More workshops along the way, out west...
- March 23-25 -- MidSouthCon in Memphis, TN
- April 5-8 -- NorWesCon in Seatac, WA (unlikely, though...)
- April 13-15 -- RavenCon in Richmond, VA
The more workshops I do, the better I like it. I've been doing art shows at the conventions, and teaching short sessions for anyone who has the time and interest, but it's really more fun in groups. Anyone who would like to set something up with me, please get in touch. Hosts, or even just movers and shakers who get things going, will earn my gratitude and some perks, either extra teaching, extra tools, or both.
If you register with me and pay me in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
Fall Schedule:
- October 6 -- Workshop in Indianapolis with IGKT members
- October 7-9 -- ConClave in Romulus, MI
- October 15-16 -- Workshops in Northampton, MA
- October 21-23 -- Necronomicon in St. Petersburg, FL
- November 11-13 -- WindyCon in Lombard, IL
- November 18-20 -- PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ
I won't be able to do more than greet a few friends at the IGKT-NAB meeting in Indianapolis, since I'm committed to the ConClave convention in the Detroit area, but I'm getting there on the 6th and will be teaching my ring workshop to a group of folks there. ("International Guild of Knot Tyers - North American Branch", in case you wondered.)
I was looking forward to the workshops in Northampton, after ConClave; it was a lot of fun the last time I stopped there. Right now, though, there are very few students signed up, so I'm worried that it won't be possible to make that stop.
It's going to be odd, but I'll be making the same trip, almost, twice in a few weeks, since I have a convention in St. Petersburg (Necro) before WindyCon and PhilCon. It's going to be hectic. I'll be coming down the I-95 corridor after Thanksgiving, so maybe I'll make some workshop stops along the way.
Here's a look at next year's plan:
Early 2010 Schedule:
- January 1-8 -- Swing Dance Cruise
- January 13-16 -- Arisia in Boston, MA
- January 21 -- Workshops?
- January 27-29 -- Snowball in St. Petersburg, FL
- Early February -- Workshops along the way as I travel west on I-10
- February 18-19 -- Workshops in San Diego, CA, (Whaley Studios)
- More workshops along the way, out west...
- March 23-25 -- MidSouthCon in Memphis, TN
- April 5-8 -- NorWesCon in Seatac, WA (unlikely, though...)
- April 13-15 -- RavenCon in Richmond, VA
The more workshops I do, the better I like it. I've been doing art shows at the conventions, and teaching short sessions for anyone who has the time and interest, but it's really more fun in groups. Anyone who would like to set something up with me, please get in touch. Hosts, or even just movers and shakers who get things going, will earn my gratitude and some perks, either extra teaching, extra tools, or both.
If you register with me and pay me in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
Some repeated information, some updated. I'm on the road and will just do minor tweaks to keep it current.
Updated schedule:
- August 17-21 -- Renovation (WorldCon), in Reno, NV
- August 23 -- Swing dancing at the Mercury Cafe in Denver, CO
- August 24... -- Journey home, no officially scheduled stops.
The workshops in Pocatello, ID, are canceled for now. Next time I come through the area, perhaps there will be more committed students, or maybe it won't be so far off my track as it is this time.
After I finish up in Reno I'm heading home. I'm thinking I might teach in Denver if there are one or two students there, but I'm definitely planning to make it to the Mercury Cafe for swing dancing on the 23rd. The rest of the way home is pretty direct, but since I'm a week early and off the clock, I'd be happy to entertain requests for other stops along my route.
The more workshops I do, the better I like it. I've been doing art shows at the conventions, and teaching short sessions for anyone who has the time and interest, but it's really more fun in groups. Anyone who would like to set something up with me, please get in touch. Hosts, or even just movers and shakers who get things going, will earn my gratitude and some perks, either extra teaching, extra tools, or both.
If you register with me and pay me in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
Some repeated information, some updated. I'm on the road and will just do minor tweaks to keep it current.
Updated schedule:
- August 5-7 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- Driving to Minneapolis (Ham Lake) 7 hours, 400 miles...
- August 9-11 -- Workshops in Minneapolis, MN
- Driving to Sioux Falls, SD 5 hours, 300 miles...
- August 13 -- Workshops in Sioux Falls, SD
- Driving to Reno, 28 hours, 1,700 miles...
- August 17-21 -- Renovation (WorldCon), in Reno, NV
- August 22-26 -- Not sure... visiting around?
- August 27-28 -- Workshops in Pocatello, ID
- August 29... -- Journey home, south and east
My journey home is still not mapped out, but I'm not likely to get to So. Cal. this trip, since there aren't enough students there to pay my fuel costs. I'm planning to be there in Feburary, after the Tucson gem shows, (which I'm also planning to attend) so anyone who is interested in workshops in California, please let me know where you are and I'll try to map something out for you.
Anyway, there is still a hiatus between WorldCon in Reno and the workshops in Pocatello, ID. I have no idea where I'll be or what I'll be doing during that time, and I'm open to suggestion.
Special offer: I will make a custom silver ring for anyone who can set me up with six students along my route or within a day's detour.
After Pocatello I'm heading home, as directly or indirectly as circumstances dictate. I'll either take I-80 or I-70. I'm leaning toward the latter, as I could probably manage to get to Denver by Tuesday and go dancing at the Mercury Cafe. Stopping for workshops would be better, but dancing is sufficient justification...
South from there? Or East? I haven't decided.
The more workshops I do, the better I like it. I've been doing art shows at the conventions, and teaching short sessions for anyone who has the time and interest, but it's really more fun in groups. Anyone who would like to set something up with me, please get in touch. Hosts, or even just movers and shakers who get things going, will earn my gratitude and some perks, either extra teaching, extra tools, or both.
If you arrange to take a workshop and pay in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
Some repeated information, some updated. I'm on the road and will just do minor tweaks to keep it current.
Updated schedule:
- Driving to KC, 9 hours, 551 miles...
- July 19-24 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- Driving to Chicago, 9 hours, 530 miles...
- July 30/31 -- Workshops in Chicago, IL
- August 5-7 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- Driving to Minneapolis (Ham Lake) 7 hours, 400 miles...
- August 9-11 -- Workshops in Minneapolis, MN
- Driving to Sioux Falls, SD 5 hours, 300 miles...
- August 13 -- Workshops in Sioux Falls, SD
- Driving to Reno, 28 hours, 1,700 miles...
- August 17-21 -- Renovation (WorldCon), in Reno, NV
- August 22-26 -- Not sure... visiting around?
- August 27-28 -- Workshops in Pocatello, ID
- August 29... -- Journey home, south to L.A. and then east
I'll be traveling through a number of places along the way. Here is a link to a Google map:
Take a look at the map, and if you are nearby and would like to have me stop, please feel free to get in touch. Time and distance are limiting factors, of course, but I'll be happy to spend as much time as I have in teaching and demonstrations along the way. If you want to take a workshop, the more people in a given area that ask, the likelier it is that I will be able to detour to meet with you. As such requests come to me, I'll update the map and send out the changes. (It's already out of date, but it's a start...)
There's a gap of several days after WorldCon in Reno before I go to Pocatello, ID. Might visit a few spots further northwest, but I'm open to suggestion. After those workshops I'll be heading south, probably to L.A., then east from there by way of I-10, probably; I'd love to do some workshops in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, etc, coming home.
The more workshops I do, the better I like it. I've been doing art shows at the conventions, and teaching short sessions for anyone who has the time and interest, but it's really more fun in groups. Anyone who would like to set something up with me, please get in touch. Hosts, or even just movers and shakers who get things going, will earn my gratitude and some perks, either extra teaching, extra tools, or both.
If you arrange to take a workshop and pay in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
Updated schedule:
- Driving from Florida, 13 hours, 735 miles...
- July 16-17 -- Workshops in Nashville, TN
- Driving to KC, 9 hours, 551 miles...
- July 19-24 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- Driving to Chicago, 9 hours, 530 miles...
- July 30/31 -- Workshops in Chicago, IL
- August 5-7 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- Driving to Minneapolis (Ham Lake) 7 hours, 400 miles...
- August 9-11 -- Workshops in Minneapolis, MN
- Driving to Sioux Falls, SD 5 hours, 300 miles...
- August 13 -- Workshops in Sioux Falls, SD
- Driving to Reno, 28 hours, 1,700 miles...
- August 17-21 -- Renovation (WorldCon), in Reno, NV
I'll be traveling through a number of places along the way. Here is a link to a Google map:
Take a look at the map, and if you are nearby and would like to have me stop, please feel free to get in touch. Time and distance are limiting factors, of course, but I'll be happy to spend as much time as I have in teaching and demonstrations along the way. If you want to take a workshop, the more people in a given area that ask, the likelier it is that I will be able to detour to meet with you. As such requests come to me, I'll update the map and send out the changes. (It's already out of date, but it's a start...)
On my way home from Reno, I'd like to do some workshops on the west coast. I've got requests for L. A. and San Diego, and have several other places in mind, but I'm also hoping to swing back around and visit Pocatello, ID first.
If anyone has any suggestions, please get in touch. I'll be coming back by way of I-10, probably, especially if I teach in San Diego, and I'd love to do some workshops in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, etc, coming home.
The more workshops I do, the better I like it. I've been doing art shows at the conventions, and teaching short sessions for anyone who has the time and interest, but it's really more fun in groups. Anyone who would like to set something up with me, please get in touch. Hosts, or even just movers and shakers who get things going, will earn my gratitude and some perks, either extra teaching, extra tools, or both.
If you arrange to take a workshop and pay in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
Updated schedule:
- Driving from Florida, 13 hours, 735 miles...
- July 16-17 -- Workshops in Nashville, TN
- Driving to KC, 9 hours, 551 miles...
- July 19-24 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- Driving to Chicago, 9 hours, 530 miles...
- July 30/31 -- Workshops in Chicago, IL
- August 5-7 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- Driving to Minneapolis (Ham Lake) 7 hours, 400 miles...
- August 9-11 -- Workshops in Minneapolis, MN
- Driving to Pocatello, ID 22 hours, 1,219 miles...
- August 15? -- Workshops in Pocatello, ID
- Driving to Reno, 10 hours, 572 miles...
- August 17-21 -- Renovation (WorldCon), in Reno, NV
I'll be traveling through a number of places along the way. Here is a link to a Google map:
Take a look at the map, and if you are nearby and would like to have me stop, please feel free to get in touch. Time and distance are limiting factors, of course, but I'll be happy to spend as much time as I have in teaching and demonstrations along the way. If you want to take a workshop, the more people in a given area that ask, the likelier it is that I will be able to detour to meet with you. As such requests come to me, I'll update the map and send out the changes. (It's already out of date, but it's a start...)
On my way home from Reno, I'd like to do some workshops on the west coast. If anyone has any suggestions, please get in touch. I'll be coming back by way of I-10, probably, especially if I teach in San Diego, and I'd love to do some workshops in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, etc, coming home.
The more workshops I do, the better I like it. I've been doing art shows at the conventions, and teaching short sessions for anyone who has the time and interest, but it's really more fun in groups. Anyone who would like to set something up with me, please get in touch. Hosts, or even just movers and shakers who get things going, will earn my gratitude and some perks, either extra teaching, extra tools, or both.
If you arrange to take a workshop and pay in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
Updated schedule:
- Next trip:
- July/August trip
- July 19-24 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- July 30/31 -- Workshops in Chicago, IL
- August 5-7 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- August 9-11 -- Workshops in Minneapolis, MN
- August 17-21 -- Renovation (WorldCon), in Reno, NV
- ?? Workshops in California and along the way back...
- September 16-18 -- Con*Stellation in Huntsville, AL
- September 30- October 2 -- Archon in St. Louis
- October 7-9 -- Conclave in Romulus, MI
- October 15/16 -- Workshops in Northampton, MA
- October 21-23 -- Necronomicon in St. Petersburg, FL
- November trip
- November 11-13 -- WindyCon in Lombard, IL
- November 18-20 -- PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ
The Reno trip is looking a bit more organized. I'll be spending some time in Chicago before MuseCon, so I'll be able to do some workshops there, and then I've got workshops in Minneapolis on my way west from there.
In Reno, I imagine I'll have time to do workshops on an ad hoc basis, because I'll have work in the art show and possibly some panels during the convention. Not sure how that will pan out.
I think this will be a good opportunity for me to get some western workshops in, rather than hurrying back for Dragon*Con in Atlanta. I figure that I could stop in Sacramento again, and maybe the San Francisco area, then down to San Diego, before heading east and hitting a few stops in Arizona, Texas, etc. If there's interest, maybe a swoop north into Oregon or Washington, first. Remember that I drive everywhere, so time and distance are factors.
The more workshops I do, the better I like it. I've been doing art shows at the conventions, and teaching short sessions for anyone who has the time and interest, but it's really more fun in groups. Anyone who would like to set something up with me, please get in touch. Hosts, or even just movers and shakers who get things going, will earn my gratitude and some perks, either extra teaching, extra tools, or both.
If you arrange to take a workshop and pay in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
Updated schedule:
- May 27-30 -- Oasis (Orlando)
- Longer trip:
- June 15-16 -- Workshops in Nashville, TN
- June 17-19 -- Hypericon in Nashville, TN
- Longer trip
- July 19-24 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- August 5-7 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- August 13 -- Workshops in Thedford, NE
- August 17-21 -- Renovation (WorldCon), in Reno, NV
- September 2-5 -- Dragon*Con in Atlanta, GA
- September 16-18 -- Con*Stellation in Huntsville, AL
- September 30- October 2 -- Archon in St. Louis
- October 21-23 -- Necronomicon in St. Petersburg, FL
- Longer trip
- November 11-13 -- WindyCon in Lombard, IL
- November 18-20 -- PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ
I'm not sure how the route is going to work out for the Reno trip -- looks like a bit of zig-zagging, and some large gaps that I'd like to fill with workshops. It's very possible that I'll stay out west after Reno and do some workshops out there instead of heading east for Dragon*Con in Atlanta. I need to establish times and locations for those, but Oceanside, CA and/or San Diego are strong possibilities.
Right now there are very few workshops in the works. I've been doing art shows at the conventions, and teaching short sessions for anyone who has the time and interest, but it's really more fun in groups. Anyone who would like to set something up with me, please get in touch. Hosts, or even just movers and shakers who get things going, will earn my gratitude and some perks, either extra teaching, extra tools, or both.
Again, the convention dates are solid, though my attendance may not be. I will try to keep this page, and my scheduling and workshop pages, up to date. I'll be happy to detour to teach groups, or stop anywhere along my path to teach singles and pairs, time permitting. Email or call me to arrange things.
If you arrange to take a workshop and pay in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
Here is a hypothetical line-up for this year:
- March 25-27 MidSouthCon in Memphis, TN
- May 27-30 -- World Steam Expo, in Dearborn, MI (maybe)
- Longer trip:
- Longer trip
- July 19-24 -- KFest, in Kansas City, MO
- August 5-7 -- MuseCon in Itasca, IL
- August 13 -- Workshops in Thedford, NE
- August 17-21 -- Renovation (WorldCon), in Reno, NV
- September 2-5 -- Dragon*Con in Atlanta, GA
- September 16-18 -- Con*Stellation in Huntsville, AL
- September 30- October 2 -- Archon in St. Louis
- October 21-23 -- Necronomicon in St. Petersburg, FL
- Longer trip
- November 11-13 -- WindyCon in Lombard, IL
- November 18-20 -- PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ
I'm not sure how the route is going to work out for the Reno trip -- looks like a bit of zig-zagging, and some large gaps that I'd like to fill with workshops.
Right now there are very few workshops in the works. I've been doing art shows at the conventions, and teaching short sessions for anyone who has the time and interest, but it's really more fun in groups. Anyone who would like to set something up with me, please get in touch. Hosts, or even just movers and shakers who get things going, will earn my gratitude and some perks, either extra teaching, extra tools, or both.
Again, the convention dates are solid, though my attendance may not be. I will try to keep this page, and my scheduling and workshop pages, up to date. I'll be happy to detour to teach groups, or stop anywhere along my path to teach singles and pairs, time permitting. Email or call me to arrange things.
If you arrange to take a workshop and pay in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
Thanks to everyone who's been so kind to me this year, and good wishes to all for a wonderful New Year.
Still struggling to keep things together, planning-wise. Here's what I think the first part of 2011 will look like:
Since I'm going to be in Reno, NV, in August, I very much doubt if I can manage to make it to NorWesCon this time, but I loved being there in '10 and will be keeping it on my list for now. Likewise, scheduling issues may make the World Steam Expo impractical, but I sorta like the idea. If I had a lot of workshops along the way, I'd probably be able to do it.
Workshops... you might've noticed that I haven't entered any of them into this schedule. Right now, I have no idea where I'm going to be teaching. My current lack of organization has bottomed out, I think, and it should begin to improve. (Could it get worse? I doubt it. :) I've got a couple of students interested in a stop here and a stop there, but no groups at the moment. Anyone who would like to set something up with me, please get in touch. Hosts, or even just movers and shakers who get things going, will earn my gratitude and some perks, either extra teaching, extra tools, or both.
Again, the convention dates are solid. I'll be happy to detour to teach groups, or stop anywhere along my path to teach singles and pairs, time permitting. Email or call me to arrange things.
If you arrange to take a workshop and pay in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.
Please check the show schedule and the workshop signup page for updates.
[Show schedule]
A long dry spell in my notifications -- sorry about that. It's late October, and I have a few things lined up for the near term:
- October 30-31 -- Workshops in Manatee, FL
- November 9-10 -- Workshops in Shelbyville, IN
- November 12-14 -- WindyCon in Lombard, IL
- November 16?-18? -- Workshops in Michigan
- November 19-21 -- PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ
- November 27-28 -- Workshops in Philadelphia, PA
- December 4-5 -- International Guild of Knot Tyers, in St. Michaels, MD
Some of the workshop dates are "squishy", but the convention dates are solid. I'll be happy to detour to teach groups, or stop anywhere along my path to teach singles and pairs, time permitting. Email or call me to arrange things.
If you arrange to take a workshop and pay in advance, you get a free copy of my DVD. All attending students get discounts on DVDs and tools.